When we decided we were getting a St. Bernard, we thought it would be a really cool idea to weigh him each week and watch him grow. This was really easy to do when we were able to pick him up and hold him. We would just simply hold him on our personal scale and then deduct our weight from the total. But after only a few weeks we knew that it was not going to be long and the use of our personal scale while holding him was going to be a thing of the past. We found a great scale on amazon that saved the day!
This scale was listed as a livestock scale and has a 660lbs weight capacity. It weighs within a roughly 4 ounces of accuracy, which was close enough for our purposes. The scale has a nice wall mountable backlit display and can be used with either a power outlet or four AA batteries.
The large surface area makes it easy for even giant breed dogs to get on. We also found that having the dogs practice getting on and off the scale makes it easier to get them onto the scale when we have to go to the vet. The stainless steel surface allows for easy clean up if needed. We still have not removed the plastic shipping tape that was protecting our stainless steel top and it is still protecting it after over a year. After we set this scale up in our spare room, we found it super easy to use this as our personal scale too!
This scale does take up a decent amount of floor space so if you do not have a big room to put it in, it may not work for you. We had a large farmhouse with lots of extra rooms so that was not an issue for us. This is another LOVE it item in our book and we would highly recommend this scale. Along with weighing the dogs and ourselves on it, when we moved into our camper, we had weight restrictions of how much cargo we could bring into the camper. This scale made it very easy to put a bag or box on it and quickly get a weight before bringing into the camper.
We also made a video review where Walter and Clyde demonstrate how to use the scale. Check it out in the video below.