When it is time to lay down and chew on toys, these water buffalo horns are one of the boys favorite options. I like to give the dogs natural treats and bones whenever possible and those always seem to be what they want the most too. The idea of trying water buffalo horns came to me from a dog that I had over for a Rover visit. When she arrived, her owner had a few toys that he brought with to make her feel more comfortable staying with us. One of those was a water buffalo horn. Clyde being the nosy creature that he is, walked right into her crate and grabbed that bone, laid down and started chewing. She was very kind and shared nicely with him. Seeing his enjoyment, I knew we were going to have to pick some up.

The horns can be found at most pet and farm stores but I usually order my on Amazon. These horns are harvested from grass fed, free range animals and are free from chemicals, artificial flavors, colors, and preservatives. The product description says that the horns can be filled with things like peanut butter to keep the dogs entertained ever longer. I have not personally done that but do think it would work well for it.
Another great thing about the water buffalo horns is that it they don’t leave any residue behind when the dogs are done chewing on them. Some of the beef and other mammal bones that we get for them are coated in shellac which can sometimes leave slimy residue behind. After time the horn will start to flake off in little pieces. For the most part the dogs consume the pieces but I have found some small pieces that needed to be swept up. Here is a photo of the old verses the new.

I was very pleased with the bones that I ordered from amazon. When searching for bones, I try to buy longer ones for my big guys so that they are able to hold them in their paws when they chew on them. The product description stated that the bones would be between 6-9″ long and I honestly was not very confident that any would be around 9″ long. I assumed they would all be on the shorter side. The bones came in two packs and I bought two packages to start with. To my surprise, every bone that arrived was over 10″ long!

The last thing that I love about these bones from amazon is that they last a really long time and the price is right. Even when they start to get old and flaky the dogs will still grab them to play with. However, I do try to replace them when they start to look like the one in the comparison photo above to keep them fresh. For us these bones were a great find and they keep the boys busy for hours on end.